OmiSoft: Revamping Sales Processes with video follow-ups, OKRs, Partnerships

OmiSoft: Revamping Sales Processes with video follow-ups, OKRs, Partnerships


Client Overview

Company: OmiSoft Company
Industry: Software Technology & Development
Market Focus: The US and EU Markets
Project Timeline: 12 months +

Project Background

OmiSoft, a leading provider of Web3 and AI solutions, aimed to revamp their sales processes to drive sustainable growth in the competitive US and EU markets. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, they partnered with us to enhance their sales strategies, improve team motivation, and establish effective lead generation and partnership processes.


OmiSoft faced several challenges impeding their growth:

  • Low Reply Rates: Traditional email and LinkedIn follow-ups were not yielding satisfactory reply rates.
  • Slow Campaign Launches: The process for launching sales campaigns was slow and lacked structure.
  • Low Sales Team Motivation: The sales team had unclear expectations, leading to low conversion rates.
  • Underutilized Partnership Channels: Potential client requests from partnership channels were not being maximized.
  • OKR Metrics: Lack of structured OKR metrics led to misaligned team goals and ineffective performance tracking.
  • Lead Generation Performance: Ineffective outreach strategies hindered sales growth.
  • Sales Team Evaluation: Inconsistent evaluation processes failed to identify areas for improvement.
  • Sales Closing Tactics: Ineffective closing tactics resulted in a lower-than-expected conversion rate.
  • Inbound Lead Conversion Process: Inefficient process for converting inbound leads needed refinement.

Solutions Implemented

1. Video Follow-Up Process

We introduced a video follow-up process using the Vidyard instrument, creating personalized video messages for follow-ups. This led to a significant increase in reply rates and client engagement.


  • Reply Rate Increase: Up to 50%
  • Client Engagement: Enhanced through personalized communication

video follow up strategy with sales label consultingvideo follow up tactics with sales label consulting

2. OKR Process Implementation

We implemented an OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework to streamline and accelerate the campaign launch process. This approach ensured that all team members were aligned and focused on the same goals.


  • Campaign Launch Speed: Increased by up to 90%
  • Team Alignment: Improved through clear and measurable objectives
  • OKR Metrics: Established to track progress and performance effectively

OKR planning with Sales Label Consulting

3. Sales Team Motivation Enhancement

We developed a comprehensive plan to increase the motivation of the sales team by setting clear expectations and goals, conducting regular feedback sessions, and performance reviews.


  • Lead Conversion Increase: Up to 30% from both inbound and outbound channels
  • Team Morale: Significantly improved with clear goals and recognition

4. Partnership Channel Optimization

A new process was established to optimize the partnership channels, including identifying potential partners, establishing communication protocols, and creating joint marketing initiatives.


  • Potential Client Requests: Increased by up to 100%
  • Partnership Engagement: Strengthened through strategic collaborations

5. Enhanced Lead Generation Strategies

We redefined the lead generation strategies to focus on high-quality leads through targeted marketing campaigns and improved lead nurturing techniques.


  • Lead Quality: Improved with more targeted and effective campaigns
  • Lead Generation: Enhanced through strategic marketing efforts

6. Comprehensive Sales Team Evaluation

A structured evaluation process was implemented to regularly assess the sales team’s performance, helping to identify strengths and areas for improvement.


  • Performance Insights: Gained through regular evaluations
  • Team Development: Supported through targeted training and feedback

7. Improved Sales Closing Tactics

We trained the sales team on advanced closing tactics and negotiation skills, including role-playing scenarios and developing personalized approaches for different client segments.


  • Conversion Rate: Increased through more effective closing techniques
  • Sales Efficiency: Enhanced with better negotiation skills

8. Inbound Lead Conversion Process Refinement

The process for converting inbound leads was thoroughly evaluated and optimized, streamlining follow-up procedures and enhancing initial client interaction protocols.


  • Conversion Efficiency: Improved through refined processes
  • Client Experience: Enhanced with more efficient and responsive follow-ups

9. Refactored Information Gathering and Outreach Processes

We overhauled the information-gathering process, Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) creation, value proposition creation, outreach strategy, and outreach infrastructure setup. This holistic approach ensured all stages of the sales funnel were optimized for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Information Gathering: Streamlined to provide more accurate and actionable data
  • ICP Creation: Enhanced to better target the most promising potential clients
  • Value Proposition Creation: Refined to clearly communicate the unique benefits and solutions offered
  • Outreach Strategy: Redesigned to improve engagement and conversion rates
  • Outreach Infrastructure Setup: Modernized to support the new strategies and ensure scalability


Through these targeted initiatives, OmiSoft experienced substantial improvements in their sales processes and overall performance. The personalized video follow-ups, efficient OKR framework, motivated sales team, optimized partnership channels, and refined lead generation and conversion strategies collectively contributed to their enhanced market presence and growth.

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About Sales Label Consulting

Sales Label Consulting is a leading digital consulting firm focused on boosting IT software companies. Our team includes top experts with extensive tech entrepreneurial success and deep knowledge of businesses at different growth phases. With 7+ years in the market, we've driven significant sales and marketing improvements for software companies, establishing ourselves as the go-to for revenue transformations in the IT industry.

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