Terms and Conditions

Website Legal and Disclaimer Notice

Welcome to Sales Label Consult, located at 3 Sucha Street, 50-086 Wroclaw, Poland. We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring transparency. By using our website, services, and associated documents, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.

  1. Scope of Terms and Conditions

These terms apply to your use of our website consulting.saleslabel.com, including any data, online or electronic documents accessible via the website, and the services provided through it.

  1. Acceptance of Terms

By using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using the website.

  1. Data Controller

For the purposes of data protection, the data controller is Sales Label Consult, located at 3 Sucha Street, 50-086 Wroclaw, Poland.

  1. Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Please review our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy consulting.saleslabel.com/privacypolicy for information on how we collect and process personal data and the use of cookies on our website.

  1. Acceptable Use Restrictions

When using our website and services, you agree to:

  • Use them lawfully and for their intended purpose.
  • Not engage in fraudulent or malicious activities.
  • Respect intellectual property rights.
  • Avoid transmitting objectionable material.
  • Not compromise the security or functionality of our systems.
  • Not collect information without authorization.

We reserve the right to disable access to any material violating these restrictions.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights on the website belong to [Your Sales Label Consulting Firm]. You are granted the right to use the website, documents, and services within the terms specified.

  1. Limitation of Liability

Our liability is limited as follows:

  • We are not liable for results obtained from the use of the website, services, or documents.
  • We are not responsible for errors or omissions in information provided by you.
  • We exclude all warranties and disclaim liability for certain losses, as detailed in this section.
  1. Variation to Terms and Conditions

Any changes to these terms, including our privacy policy, will be posted on our website. Check regularly for updates. Revised terms apply from the date of publication.

  1. Severability

If any provision is deemed unlawful, the remaining provisions remain in effect. If part of a provision is deemed unlawful, that part will be deleted, and the rest will continue in effect.

  1. Entire Agreement

These terms constitute the entire agreement between you and [Your Sales Label Consulting Firm] regarding your use of the website, superseding all previous agreements.

  1. Governing Law

These terms, their subject matter, and formation are governed by Polish law. Both parties agree that the courts of Poland will have exclusive jurisdiction.

  1. Contact

For questions or requests regarding these terms, please contact us, 3 Sucha Street, 50-086 Wroclaw, Poland, or through our  contact us page.

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