
IT Craft background

IT Craft is your partner in the digital transformation journey, catering to both tech-savvy and business-focused clients. We pride ourselves on delivering a tailored and unique approach for each client, aligning with their specific needs and capabilities.

Our client base spans from emerging startups with MVP aspirations to established enterprises seeking support, maintenance, and the rejuvenation of their extensive systems.

Our engineers bring the technical expertise required to adeptly create, realign, sustain, and enhance software projects. To consistently deliver top-tier services, IT Craft prioritizes ongoing education, ensuring the application of cutting-edge, innovative technology stacks.

The collaboration between Sales Label Consulting and ITCraft Company stands as a testament to our commitment to driving long-lasting change and growth for our company revenue. We are actively assisting IT Craft in the transformation of their sales department, and we are currently in the midst of this consulting journey.

At Sales Label Consulting, we embarked on a transformative journey with IT Craft Software Company to enhance their sales and marketing activities. The challenges we addressed and the solutions implemented showcase the positive impact of our ongoing partnership.

The Challenge

Inefficient Lead Generation: IT Craft struggled to attract and qualify leads effectively. Their lead generation process was disjointed and lacked a structured approach: 

  • Inconsistent lead quality: Leads were of varying quality, making the conversion process challenging.
  • Low lead conversion rates: A lack of clear qualification criteria resulted in low conversion rates.
  • Lack of a structured lead generation process: The absence of a well-defined process led to inefficiencies.

Unclear Messaging: The Value Proposition and Ideal Customer Profile at IT Craft required refinement. Their messaging was not resonating with the target audience.

  • Unclear messaging and positioning: The company’s messaging needed to be sharpened for better communication.
  • Difficulty in identifying and targeting the ideal clients: The lack of a well-defined Ideal Customer Profile caused misalignment.
  • Missed opportunities due to misaligned messaging: The messaging wasn’t effectively capturing potential clients’ attention.

CRM Optimization: The existing CRM system, SalesMate, needed improvement in client interactions. The system was underutilized and did not provide insights needed for effective follow-ups.

  • Underutilized CRM functionalities: Valuable CRM features were not being maximized.
  • Challenges in tracking and managing client interactions: Incomplete records hindered effective client engagement.
  • Incomplete customer profiles within the CRM: Missing information affected the personalization of interactions.

Complex Outreach: Outreach campaigns at IT Craft lacked structure and complexity. They needed a more sophisticated approach to reach and engage with potential clients.

  • Simplistic outreach methods: Existing outreach strategies were limited in scope and reach.
  • Ineffective campaign structure: Campaigns needed a more coherent structure for better results.
  • Low engagement with target clients: Insufficient engagement led to missed opportunities.

Website Attraction: The company’s website needed adjustments to target the right client base. IT Craft was struggling to attract the desired audience.
Bullet Points:

  • High bounce rates: Visitors were leaving the site without engaging, indicating problems with content.
  • Low traffic from the target audience: The website wasn’t effectively attracting potential clients.
  • Poor visibility in online searches: SEO and content optimization were needed for better online presence.

The Solution

Comprehensive Audit: 

We conducted a thorough audit of their sales and marketing activities to identify areas for improvement. This audit provided valuable insights to guide the transformation process.

  • Detailed assessment of existing processes: A comprehensive review was performed.
  • Identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies: Problem areas were pinpointed for resolution.
  • Data-driven recommendations for improvements: Solutions were backed by data and insights.

SEO Enhancement: SEO strategies were revised to boost online visibility. This involved optimizing website content, keywords, and other SEO elements.

  • Keyword research and optimization: The right keywords were selected and incorporated.
  • On-page and off-page SEO enhancements: Both on-site and off-site optimization were implemented.
  • Improved search engine rankings: SEO efforts led to better search engine results.

ICP and Value Proposition Refinement: Refined messaging improved client engagement. We worked with IT Craft to define their Ideal Customer Profile and tailor their Value Proposition to meet client needs.

  • Clear definition of the Ideal Customer Profile: A precise ICP was established.
  • Crafting a compelling Value Proposition: The messaging was made more persuasive.
  • Messaging aligned with client needs and expectations: Communication better resonated with target clients.

CRM Overhaul: We optimized the SalesMate CRM system to streamline client interactions. This involved customizing the CRM to match IT Craft’s specific needs.

  • CRM customization: The CRM system was tailored to the company’s requirements.
  • Improved client data management: Client data was managed more effectively.
  • Enhanced tracking of client interactions: A more comprehensive view of client interactions was achieved.

Structured Outreach Framework: A structured framework was developed for lead qualification, nurturing, and hypothesis testing. This framework provided a clear roadmap for conducting outreach campaigns.

  • Detailed process for lead qualification: The lead qualification process was made systematic.
  • Nurturing strategies for lead engagement: Methods to engage and nurture leads were established.
  • Hypothesis testing to refine outreach campaigns: Campaigns were optimized based on data-driven tests and new hypothesis framework were established.

The Results

  • Increased Engagement: Optimized outreach campaigns led to heightened client engagement. The structured approach improved response rates and interaction quality.
    • Improved open and response rates: More clients opened and responded to outreach.
    • More meaningful interactions with clients: Interactions became more relevant and productive.
    • Increased interest from target clients: The company garnered more interest from the right audience.

LinkedIn and Website Inquiries: IT Craft began receiving inquiries through LinkedIn and website forms. The website’s visibility improved, leading to a higher number of inbound leads.

  • Inquiries through LinkedIn messages: LinkedIn became a channel for lead generation.
  • Increased form submissions on the website: Website visitors were converting into leads.
  • Growing interest from online visitors: The website attracted a more interested audience.

Enhanced Conversion Rates: The lead qualification framework significantly improved conversion rates. Targeting and engaging with the right prospects led to a higher conversion of leads into clients.

  • Improved lead-to-client conversion rates: A larger percentage of leads became clients.
  • More efficient use of sales resources: Sales efforts were more focused and efficient.
  • Higher return on outreach efforts: The company achieved a better return on its outreach investments.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Hypothesis testing allowed data-driven decisions for outreach campaigns. IT Craft could refine their strategies based on real-time results.

  • A/B testing for campaign optimization: Campaigns were tested and optimized for better results.
  • Informed adjustments to outreach methods: Strategies were adapted based on performance data.
  • Greater campaign efficiency: Outreach efforts became more efficient and cost-effective.

Improved Website Attraction: The website successfully attracted clients from the desired target group, reflecting improved SEO and messaging. More relevant traffic visited the site, resulting in a higher likelihood of conversion.

  • Enhanced website traffic quality: The website received higher-quality traffic.
  • Better alignment with the target audience: The site’s content better resonated with the target audience.
  • Improved website conversion rates: The website converted more visitors into leads and clients.


IT Craft, expressed satisfaction with the ongoing transformation, praising the detailed sales and marketing audit as a critical starting point for identifying areas of enhancement. The partnership between IT Craft and Sales Label Consulting continues to deliver promising results.

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About Sales Label Consulting

Sales Label Consulting is a leading digital consulting firm focused on boosting IT software companies. Our team includes top experts with extensive tech entrepreneurial success and deep knowledge of businesses at different growth phases. With 7+ years in the market, we've driven significant sales and marketing improvements for software companies, establishing ourselves as the go-to for revenue transformations in the IT industry.

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